As if my blatherings here were not enough of me already, the kind Jennifer Prado of the blog "Emerge"--New Authors-- has interviewed me about my book Make a Scene...
Jordan E. Rosenfeld Live and Write Free
As if my blatherings here were not enough of me already, the kind Jennifer Prado of the blog "Emerge"--New Authors-- has interviewed me about my book Make a Scene...
Hug your animals today.
Two interesting Virgo horoscopes of the day:
A strange phenomenon that defies the laws of physics is taking place in my home, and maybe yours too.
My mom tells me that I'm funny. I know, any sentence that begins with "my mom" can usually be discounted. But she also tells me that her friends think I'm funny, too. Of course, I don't see this, nor could I pinpoint a moment of my funniness (take that you spell-checkers!) because I'm rarely trying to be funny. Once in awhile I try to be funny with my husband, to make him laugh. These attempts don't work, yet he is often in hysterics over something I said that I didn't know was funny until he started laughing. Most of which I won't reprint here, as these statements tend to be either scatalogical or obscene.
This morning I'm thinking about mis-interpretation.
Yesterday I was exhausted. Today I'm in overdrive. What gives?
Today is a crash day. That means despite looming deadlines and other unfinished projects I am simply too exhausted, mentally and physically, to do much work.
San Francisco and I have an odd relationship. Sometimes I breeze in and she welcomes me by guiding me directly to my location without a hitch, and even provides me a parking spot. Today she was cranky, and her mood interfered with my confidence in my directions and I wound up lost. Not too lost, but lost in that way where all you want to do is take a left turn but you are forbidden and so you must go practically an entire city out of your way to take the magic right that will lead you down the one magic street by making an impractical U-turn that gets people honking at you.
Pan's Labyrinth
Cover Shot
Sprint sucks.
For some reason before I fell asleep last night this conversation I had with my grandfather (Opa) popped into my head and since it is so indicative of our relationship now that he refuses to put in his hearing aids, and also regarding his ability to handle any emotional content, that i thought I'd transcribe what i remember of it:
Minor news:
I want to apologize to anyone whose grief I did not take seriously. Or did not understand. Or urged you to get over quickly. Or didn't make time for.
I would like to go back to blogging about fun, funny or non-sad things, but I don't have my full mojo back yet. Grief is a work in progress.
Good morning. And what a freezing morning it is. Yesterday we woke up--in California, mind you--to discover our pipes had frozen. In my entire life this has never happened to me. It was short lived, maybe an hour, and having to make coffee in the french press was about the worst that happened as a result. Still, it made me much do we take for granted?
Easing Through It
I am too devastated to say more, but our dear, beloved, precious Figaro passed away tonight, much too soon.
I just have to get this out of the way first: "Speculum cervix movie." A german searcher came to my site via that phrase. I don't believe I have ever used that phrase on my blog before, but I damn well plan to from now on. It will also be an ice breaker for new friends. "Care to come over Friday night and watch my speculum cervix movie? It's riveting!"
I am a marshmallow (goo goo ga joob)
Third Day Book Club Blogs Suite Francaise, Part 1: A Storm in June
Suite Francaise---now on the fourth day
Writer's Blech
Lost and Found
The last holiday card I received in the mail came just before Christmas. It was from my editors at Writer's Digest Books. Always a nice gesture, but this was came with a special bookmark: