Saturday, January 20, 2007

Cover Shot

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to put this up, (and I will gladly take it down if not, Ms. Nickell) but here is my cover so far. I personally really like it. When I doodle, I always make curlicues and circles, so it fits with my subconscious mind very well. I like how one curlicue becomes a flower--represents a growing, living thing, which any narrative is, and one below looks more like paint splatter--representing (to me), the messy footprint of creativity.

I was told that this image is a bit darker than the colors are actually intended to be in print, but I'm jazzed :)

As my friend
Robin Slick said, "Black and white and read all over!" Hope she's right. The book comes out in November, 2007.

Yesterday was a day of feeling very "writerly." I had just secured the second of two very cool interviews with interesting authors for a Writer's Digest feature I'm doing (more to come), when lo, the fellow I'd just set the interview date with, a best-selling author who lives in San Francisco, emailed me to say "Hey, nice review in the Chronicle." I had been waiting for that review to run, and to learn about it in that fashion made me feel ever so credible.

Then I saw my book cover.

Some days it just feels good to be legit.



At 10:18 AM, Blogger Myfanwy Collins said...

It's an excellent cover, Jordan, and let's hear it for validation! You sure deserve all of the great things that come your way.


At 10:53 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...


At 4:07 PM, Blogger Amy said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations! I can't wait to buy it!!!

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Jordan E. Rosenfeld said...

Myf, Steph and Amy: Thanks!

I am really pleased. They've told me too that the design will carry over to the interior pages, which I think is fantastic!


At 4:58 AM, Blogger RobinSlick said...

I seriously love the cover. And I love the whole cosmic connection.

Now. Is it November yet?

At 7:00 PM, Blogger Alex S said...

I like the cover! Congrats on your book! As one who has a difficult time with absolutely every aspect of writing reading your title made me realize that I really should probably read some actual books from time to time on the tech side of the craft, esp on the exact topic you have written about it. Like the title too and will look forward to it when it is released!

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Patry Francis said...

The cover looks incredible! Love the colors and the swirl of it. Makes me want to go out and make a scene right now!


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