Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I forgot that when I'm feeling stumped and fried and empty of the fuel I need to finish major projects, that just making a teeny bit of headway can make me feel like a huge success. I have to give myself the chance to make that headway though. That's the thing.

Today, I'm a champ.



At 2:53 AM, Blogger gerry rosser said...

I have found that to be true, the trick is not to, for example, put a clean sheet of paper in the typewriter, arrange your pencils, get a glass of water, and then (feeling a bit encouraged by such progress), take a month or two off.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger atresillado said...

Gerry Rosser, you make me laugh.
And I must admit I went to read your profile and was surprised to see you read "One hundred years..." Silly me... I thought GGMárquez to be something like a Spanish-speaking asset which would probably be unkown by the developed-world readers. Though I know he has been translated into many languages but I imagined translations standing in libraries, not being read really.

Have you read any other book by him? Though "One hundred years..." is his masterpiece, there are others which are wonderful and certainly easier to read.

I think you, Jordan, have read "100 years..." too, right? Did you read any other book by him. I could recommend 3 or 4, if you want.

REf. music: Last night I couldn't stop listening to 2 Green Day songs: "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and "Wake me up when September ends". Do you think they are really good songs or is it only that they touched something special in me?

Sorry for the extension, I'm feeling like chatting today.


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