Sunday, December 17, 2006

Write Free Home

Some years ago--I've lost count if it was three or four--I was introduced to a writer by one of my favorite people, Susan Bono (of Tiny Lights). This writer was one of the first women river-raft guides in the Western U.S. and it's no joke to say that she has a very deep relationship to the water, especially when in her kayak. She has an equally tight relationship to the written word and has seen success in such places as Orion Magazine, More Magazine, THEMA and the San Francisco Chronicle. I met her just as her first book Reading Water: Lessons from the River was published when she agreed to read at the old LiveWire Literary Salon at Zebulon's Lounge (now closed).

I had no idea that my friendship with her would change my life. By now I think she knows that her inspiration was in great part responsible for the path leading to the day I quit my last real job, began working for myself and accepted the truth that writing is all I ever really need to do.

Becca Lawton brought into my life the idea that where we focus our attention, backed by the quality of feelings we bring to that focus, we actively create----situations, ideas, things, and relationships--in our lives and can choose to do so consciously. We immediately thought this was a genuinely simple and true principle but we were stunned by how well it actually works. The day after we began meeting once a week to talk about these ideas and our writing, where there had been stagnation, suddenly there was movement in ways neither of us imagined possible. In the few years since we began working with what we've now come to call Write Free (formerly Creating Space), for example, Becca has won an award for her writing, been published in magazines she once simply coveted and is on the road to having her other books published. I got my first and then second book contract, achieved freelance goals I'd once thought unlikely and most of all--both of us have been able to put our fiction writing first in our lives.

That's not bragging; that's just Write Free for you. We are often as surprised as anyone.

Our book on the subject will be out in summer of 2007, but we aren't content to wait to share what we have been so grateful to learn. We've led retreats and workshops and online classes in the meantime and we both want to share the work with as many people as we can. We can't help it.

Now don't go getting nervous; neither of us longs to be the next Big Name Guru. We won't flash our big white teeth at you and jump around on-stage to encourage you to Be the Best You! or anything like that. Our silent slogan is "guides, not gurus." We just want to share the fact that by focusing on your creative life, your writing, by really giving it room and belief to grow and feeling genuinely positive and hopeful about it--you can, in fact, create a far bigger, more bountiful reality than you may have believed possible. Because the more of us doing this in the world, the better.

And that's why we created the Write Free E-Newsletter. 10 issues full of information that works.

We hope you'll consider joining us in this venture.

You can subscribe HERE


At 3:00 PM, Blogger atresillado said...

I have sent the newsletter info to everyone who may be interested and who knows... maybe I do, too!

It looks great!

Thank you... also for this! :)

At 6:26 AM, Blogger LitPark said...

Zebulon's closed? : (

At 6:47 AM, Blogger Jordan E. Rosenfeld said...

Patrushka: Thank you so much.

Susan: Yes! And even though the owner may very likely read my blog, and it was his right to do so, a number of us were disappointed when he sold it because we knew that it would never be the same. Sure enough, the "new" version: Soho died on the vine in less than a year. Very sad. VERY.


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