Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hello First, You're Lookin' Good!

I think October is my favorite of the fall/winter months because it's still warm, the trees are not yet bare and it isn't raining (usually). It's a cozy month that offers solace and invites you to cook hearty soups and wear fluffy sweaters.

November isn't bad either but it bears the possibility of rain, and the inevitable Thanksgiving family drama, I mean dinner.

This November 1st is looking pretty good, however from where I sit this morning.

First, I am foolishly going ahead with NanoWrimo because I need the endorphin rush of writing something new after my summer of publishing discouragement. With a daily word count goal of 1667 words, I'm proud to say I pushed myself to 2197 words this morning--because the more you get done in the beginning, the more you can slack off later.

I fully intend to write a draft of something that I can later do something with but I'm just having fun and letting go and not worrying about how it all looks now. Of course in this time I am also supposed to be revising The Night Oracle, and I am--I swear. I actually got the entire new structure in place after much chopping and re-arranging and printed it out, with little notes in the chapters that will have to be written anew. I cut three characters and more than 100 pages. That revision shouldn't take me more than a two months to finish, so when November is through with me, I can get back to that and have it, hopefully, to my agent by early in the new year.

Second, today I turned in the first half of my book Make A Scene, to be published (if all goes as planned) about 1 year from now by Writer's Digest Books. I am sure there will be copious edits, but I do feel good about it, I admit. It's gratifying to get to exorcise my inner know-it-all for a purpose.

Third, my book with Rebecca Lawton, formerly known as Creating Space: The Law of Attraction for Writers & Other Artistic Souls has been changed and is moving ahead into the design phase. The new title is: Write Free! Attracting the Creative Life. Our Logo design is coming along beautifully, and our book cover is gorgeous and it's starting to feel like a an actual book that people might even read!

I'm feeling strangely optimistic on many levels--my career, my home-life--despite that there are some family matters bogging me down.

Not only that, but my horoscope was damn good :)

So, that's my November 1st. What's up with yours?


At 10:25 AM, Blogger atresillado said...

I hadn't noticed we were in November. Thank you for waking me up!
I'm positive too, though I don't have many plans.
My drama night is usually Christmas but I have beautifully and elegantly solved it this year: I'll work! So, I'll spend Dec. 24th dining at a beautiful house at the shore of a beach in Punta del Este (our best Seaside) with people who are not strangers but are not family. Isn't it great?

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on these books, if I haven't mentioned that (I've thought it, but that may not have translated to typing it!) You have so much good work going on!

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Samus said...

Where do you get your horoscope?


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