First let me say that I've been awake since one a.m. I woke first to the lovely sound of my neighbor's motorcycle, then soon after, the sound of rain kept me awake. And then my brain realized we were awake, and giddly began clapping its little neurotransmitters. "We're awake, people!" It cried. "Get Thinking!" So we did. And we didn't stop. At two a.m. we arose and made a list of story ideas. By 4 a.m. we got out of bed.
And here my brain and I are, bleary-eyed despite coffee, staring at the blog screen.
I actually came here to write what might seem somewhat, indirectly, contrary to yesterday's post. I came here to say how cool it is that I have siblings, for you see, I was an only child until nearly 15 years old. And at that, my sister (14) and my brother (16), are half-sibs, which means nothing to me. They feel like family, though they were mere babes when i was a late teenager, readying to leave for college. (photo failed to upload; i'll try again later).
Still, when I'm exchanging emails with my smart, pragmatic (and gorgeous!) sister about an essay she's writing for school, or cracking jokes with my sweet, insightful brother, I get this little glowing feeling inside me, like "these are my people!" They're the only family members I have who don't come pre-loaded with a bunch of bullshit I have to work on. I don't have issues with them. I love them as they are. They'll always be much younger than me, so I will always get to look on with a proud, loving eye. I feel about them as i imagine I might for a child. I'd do anything for them. If they were in trouble, I'd be there. If they needed to stay somewhere, they could come to me. I'm lucky.
で一番人気の風俗店台湾風俗界の達人台北でエロいマッサージ風俗にいくなら店舗型マッサージ台湾の風俗へ行った~入店、スペシャルマッサージ台北夜風俗林森北路台湾風俗同行高級風俗店海外風俗林森北路キャバクラまとめ台湾風俗の種類についてまとめ台湾台北の風俗夜遊びで初心者が必ず知りたいず本番できる。どうする?などと色々話を聞きながら林森北路をウロウロ。確かに路上には客引きのオッサンらが大勢待機。私1人なら声掛けられまくりだったでしょうが、客引きの女性と一緒に歩いていたので声はかけられず。ある意味助かりました。 そして、林森北路を一回り。そのまま帰らせてくれる訳もなく、私も女の子を買うのはやぶさかではないので、その方向で。但し値段が4000台湾ドルだと高いので値引き交渉。日本語話せる娘は3500、話せない娘は3000だって。取り敢えず女の子を呼ぶので待っててとの事。【2020年最新版】歩道の横にあるベンチに座って待ち合わせ。こんなとこで待ち合わ台北風俗湾サウナ初心者必見!「台湾式マッサージ」の利用方法を詳しく紹介台湾で一番人気の風俗店台湾風俗界の達人台北で台湾のオススメ風俗店男性諸君に朗報です!実は今台湾の風俗が熱いと噂です。海外の風俗は日本と違いサービス内容が濃いと言われておりますが、台湾風俗も凄くイイそうです!今回は台湾の夜遊びで訪れて頂きたい、台湾の風俗店8選をピックアップしていきます。ぜひパスポートを片手に台湾に繰
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